Breast Augmentation (Breast Enlargement)
Breast Lifting
Breast Reduction
Butt Lifting and Butt Enlargement
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and Mommy Makeover
Curved and Bowed Lower Legs
Liposuction and Laser Lipolysis for Fat Removal
Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)
Hair Transplantation
- Before and after of a hair transplantation with FUE technique
Eye Brow Transplantation
- Before and 1 month after of a eyebrow transplantatin with FUE technique
Gynecomasty (Big breast in men)
Breast Reconstruction with Your Own Tissue (TRAM flap)
Breast Reconstruction with Silicone Implant (Repair Immediately after breast removal)
Breast Augmentation in Tube Shaped Breasts (Tuberous Breast)
Breast Augmentation in Assymetric Breasts
Thigh Lifting
Neck Lifting

Endoscopic Mid Face Lifting